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02/11/10 Town Meeting Minutes
Town of Cheverly
Meeting Minutes
February 11, 2010

Call to Order
Meeting called to order at 8:00 pm in the Cheverly Community Center.  

In attendance:  Mayor Mosley, CMs Callahan, Watson, Eldridge, Schachter, Tevault and CM Johnson absent.

Pledge of Allegiance


Mayor added an item 10 Overtime Pay.

Minutes – Town Meeting 1/14/10
Approved as written.

Minutes – Worksession 1/28/10
Approved as written.

Minutes – Worksession 2/4/10
Approved as written.

Town Administrator Report
Mr. Warrington reported that the Public Works Department has been very busy with snow removal. Expecting more snow on Monday, which is a holiday.  Thanked the residents of Cheverly who kept our workers feed.  Ms. Barsi coordinated keeping the employees well fed.  We had a number of equipment failures and some were addressed, but others are not or will not be repaired.  We shoveled our flat roof off in order to avoid a potential collapse.  The residents were very helpful by parking properly and not shoveling the snow back into the streets once plowed.  We will have to include some trucks in the upcoming budget since some of the 1980 vehicles are not worth repairing.

CM Eldridge can the snow blowers be replaced with speed camera money since they can be used for pedestrian safety.  Mr. Warrington we will consider this and check with the Town Attorney.

CM Tevault is the landfill still closed? Mr. Warrington the landfill is still closed and Monday is a holiday.  If the landfill opens on Tuesday, we will be in line to empty the trucks and will be back picking-up refuse.  Tuesday’s collection may therefore be a bit later than usual.

Mayor we will have to hold our trash a little bit longer, but at least it is frozen. We had very few complaints and they did a terrific job.  Mrs. Barsi did a terrific job coordinating meals.

CM Schachter I got one call from a resident of the old fourth ward and he wanted to commendate you for helping his family during the snow storm. Would rate the Department’s service this year was at best a B+ rather than the usual A+.  However, there are streets in Cheverly, with one near my house that is virtually unplowed.  That is unprecedented.  I have gotten more complaints than ever before.  I know we had a number of vehicles that failed.  There is some confusion as to how many vehicles we have with plows?  How many were operable?  

Mr. Warrington I will get that information for you.

CM Callahan I want to follow-up on what CM Schachter had to say.  I would give the Council less than a B for not giving Public Works the tools they need.  I would give our Public Works crew a grade higher than an A relative to what other agencies have done.

CM Shachter I will accept your correction to my grade.  But this time around there are some sharks in the water.  I don’t think we can say everything is wonderful because it wasn’t.

Mayor some of this equipment was not meant to operate 90 hours straight.

Police Department Report

Chief Robshaw wanted to thank Public Works as well. We were able to respond to the calls that we did receive calls for response and did give aid.  We did have to issue some parking tickets for persons that made no attempt to park their vehicles correctly.  Crime in 2009 was down some 20%, which is the highest of municipalities around here.  We made over 500 arrests and issued over 5,000 citations. We reduced robberies 30%.  We have closed the homicide on Landover Road with an arrest.  Want to thank all the women who attended the self defense class held recently.  We are re-writing our General Orders issue.  We have created a unit called the special response team to respond to strings of incidents that are crimes and will address day to day complaints and will be committed to reducing burglaries in Town and will be able to flex their schedules to address issues.  I just received a $13,000 grant from the State for overtime and $63,000 from the State for our new, required, radio system.  We had budgeted $130,000.  We will have to make up the difference.  This should become fully operational in April.  Last year we received over $130,000 in grant money and I reached my goal of getting more in grant money than my salary.  The residents of this Town have been instrumental in helping us reduce crime.  Complaints about small things lead to 17 arrests last year.  

Mayor how many openings do we now have in the Police Department? Chief Robshaw we were essentially down 2 officers last year due to long term injuries and Wanda Murphy-Brown since retired.  We have one coming back on March 1st and we have another open.  Mayor I wanted to thank you for your efforts to obtain the grant money this year.  The Council decided to submit your radio program to the MML Convention for an Excellence Award.

CM Schachter I wanted to know if you get guidance as to what you can consider or not consider with Counsel in your hiring process? Chief Robshaw the biggest determiner is the Maryland State Police Training Commission.

Mayor so people at home are clear, you are not talking about this council but rather legal counsel.  It may not have been clear.

CM Schachter  do you take his opportunity to take into consideration as to what can be considered if you have two equally qualified people.  Chief Robshaw I consult with the Town Administrator.  CM Shachter do we give preference to veterans.  Chief Robshaw the first preference is given to certified officers.  We don’t give preference to veterans, but consider it in regards to experience and maturity.

CM Watson are you happy as to how your cars perform in the snow? Mr. Warrington we use the Police 4 wheel drive vehicle to respond during snow. Chief Robshaw we follow the County system of strategically setting-up in an effort to be effective in getting to a call.  We may sit at the Giant parking lot and being ready to respond.

Mayor and Council Announcements

Mayor I again want to thank Ms. Barsi for her efforts.  I strongly suggest folks leave keys to their cars with neighbors if you are going to be gone for an extended period of time so they can move your car.  There were discussions as to whether the Town can shovel the sidewalks leading to the Metro.  Legally we have to take care of the roads and sidewalks that we are responsible for and the one bridge is the responsibility of the County and the other the State.  We have not had any luck getting the State or County to address these sites.  CM Eldridge is working on a proposed MOU with these other governments.  Senator Harrington is looking to get us some help now.  Last Announcement is that I am not running for Mayor in this upcoming election and I have enjoyed serving as Mayor for two terms.  I have enjoyed my 19 years serving the residents.  The Worksession will include: Historical Document Donation Forms, Green Infrastructure Plan, Ordinance O-3-10 regarding Personnel Section Amendments, Budget Adjustment for the Ticket Room preparation, Planning Board Appointment and the upcoming Budget.

CM Eldridge there was a planned meeting for the Green Infrastructure Committee which was postponed.  We should hear soon about the two grants submitted.  The National Park Service has noted that the three houses they purchased now have a line item to remove the homes.  Also, there is interest in holding a community workshop to consider the future of that area.  Lastly, Gladys Noon Spellman has been awarded a Safe Routes to School Program that focuses on encouraging children to walk and bike to school safely and that the infrastructure is there to make this happen.  They are looking for parent volunteers and law enforcement input.  

CM Schachter I just like to say that I really enjoyed the time I have had to work with Mayor Mosley and I will miss her greatly.  It has been a better part of 2 decades since we have had an election that is not an incumbent.  I am not running for Mayor.

CM Watson one item for the Worksession is the Polling Location for the Old Fourth Ward for the November election.  The Technology Committee Report could be on the agenda as well.
CM Callahan my kudos to all her efforts over the years.  I keep hearing from residents the complaint of a lack of a good restaurant, but they can get a good Pancake Dinner at CUMC on Tuesday and for those who don’t like pancakes for dinner there will be a spaghetti dinner at St. Ambrose Church.

Committee Reports

Mayor we don’t have anyone from the Recreation Council.

Mr. Nick D’Angelo noted Cheverly Day is May 22nd.  The prom is Friday night and CM Tevault is the contact person.  CM Watson is the contact person for the Tennis Tournament.  Steve Short is leading up the race and the Chief is heading up the 3 on 3 tournaments. We are looking for pictures in hopes of including them in a magazine if we can produce one.  We will take black and white or color and they can be emailed to me it’s on the website and in the Newsletter or drop them off at the Town Office.

Citizen Input

Mayor Mosley asked if there were any resident wishing to speak on a matter not already on the agenda.

Second Reading – O-2-10 Amending Speed Limits in Town  

Mayor we would be adopting this next month.  It has been on the website and on many agendas.   

Mr. Warrington the Ordinance will make any street not marked 20 miles per hour.  We will be reducing some additional streets to 15 mph and a few will go from 20 mph from 15 mph.  The Mayor and Council adopted the map denoting speed limits that is on the website that will be implemented as well.  It will go into effect on April 11th.

Mayor basically Cheverly Avenue and the Industrial Park will remain at 25 mph and Belleview Avenue and streets abutting parks and schools will be 15 mph.  

CM Eldridge  I think changing speed limits are fine, but the design of our town accommodates speeds in excess of speed limits and I strongly encourage the Town to consider measures for traffic calming approaches. I see from the snow that narrowing a street really slows people down and the physical design should force people to slow down as well.

Overtime Compensation

Mayor we have noted that our Code allows for overtime, but does not provide for any additional. Compensation for working on Sunday.

Mr. Warrington we are not union, but the AFSCME union usually places in their contracts a clause for payment of double-time for working on Sundays.

Mayor  I am not asking the Council to change our Code, but I am seeking a motion to authorize Mr. Warrington to compensate our employees for this snow fall at double-time for Sunday.

  • Motion CM Callahan to authorize the double-time for last Sundays efforts by the Public Works crew for clearing our streets.  Seconded CM Watson.  Approved 5-0.  CM Johnson absent.

Meeting adjourned.
Town of Cheverly
Summary of Action
February 11, 2010
  • Motion CM Callahan to authorize the double-time for last Sundays efforts by the Public Works crew for clearing our streets.  Seconded CM Watson.  Approved 5-0.  CM Johnson absent